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Jianyuan attended the 5th Asia-Pacific International Polypeptide Conference to seek new opportunities for cooperation and development of polypeptide products

The 14th China International Conference on Peptides and the 5th Asia-Pacific International Conference on Peptides (CPS) was held at China Pharmaceutical University in Nanjing from July 4 to 7. As one of the most important and influential peptide conferences worldwide, CPS focuses on new and cutting-edge research in peptide chemistry, biology, pharmacy and other fields, as well as cross-merging with other sciences. Jianyuan Medicine participated in the meeting.

CPS has set up a variety of communication methods such as branch reports, wall poster displays and peptide industry forums. Jianyuan Medicine mainly attended the conference report and set up a booth on the first floor of the conference hall with 37 other enterprises as sponsors to show the company to expand CRO and CMO business. At this meeting, the representatives of Jianyuan Medicine carefully listened to the new and cutting-edge research reports of domestic and foreign experts in the field of peptide chemistry, and conducted in-depth discussions on the related issues of peptides, and sought new opportunities for Jianyuan Medicine to continuously develop cutting-edge products in the industry and develop and cooperate with domestic and foreign academic and industrial customers.
